Saturday, December 29, 2007


The term "born again"is a very popular Christian phrase today. Unfortunately, there is much misunderstanding about its meaning. In my seminars when I talk about the different "denominational languages" and how they create barriers between Christian groups and individuals, I often have the participants write out a short definition of the term to demonstrate the point. Examples of answers I have heard include:
"Someone who believes in Jesus."
"Someone who has repented from sin, accepted Jesus in his heart, and has been baptized."
"Someone who has received the Holy Spirit."
"Someone who has received the Holy Spirit as evidenced by speaking in tongues."
"Someone who has been saved and speaks in tongues."
Sometimes, the answer reveals the denominational training a person has had! The definitions shown above demonstrate some theological confusion. The confusion is revealed and hopefully dispelled when we begin to examine the biblical description of the term. This we do in the seminars and in this short study.

The term was used by Jesus to explain spiritual things to Nicodemus, a Jewish leader:
JOHN 3:1-6 Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him."
In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."
"How can a man be born when he is old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!"
Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.

Jesus made it clear that even though we have been born of the flesh (through our mother), we must be born of the Spirit for us to enter the Kingdom of God. The capital S indicates that this refers to the Holy Spirit, the lower case s is for other spirits, in this case the human spirit. The Bible shows us why this Spiritual birth is necessary as well as what it is. For our study, we begin with the beginning, in Genesis.

GE 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
God is a triune being: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We see three parts named. One is a central being, essence, one is in bodily form, another one is Spirit. Man also has three parts: a central thinking unit (mind or soul), plus a body, and a spirit. (See diagram in right column showing us created in God's Image)

There was only one rule that Adam and Eve had to follow in the Garden of Eden:
GEN 2:17 ". . . but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."
God said they would surely die when they ate of the fruit of that one tree. There was only one rule! The Bible records what happened:
gen 3:4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
The woman chose to obey what Satan said, and her own experience (seeing the fruit was good) rather than what God said, and ate the fruit, disobeying God.
Gen 3: 5-6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
Adam also ate the fruit, in disobedience. They should have died at that time, according to God's words. Yet, when they ate, they did not appear to die. They lived long enough to be expelled from the Garden. They lived long enough to have two sons, who fought and one killed the other. They lived long enough for the dead son to be replaced with theirthird son, Seth. The Bible says Adam lived eight hundred years after that!
When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and he named him Seth. After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether, Adam lived 930 years, and then he died.

So it would appear that they did not die right away. But just as looks were deceiving when Eve saw that the forbidden fruit was good to eat, so it is that it is deceiving to assume that just because a person is walking and talking that this person is really alive, in the Biblical and true sense. Death meant DEAD TO GOD. SIN IS LIKE A DOOR THAT CLOSES, SEPARATING US FROM GOD.
(Refer to diagram in right hand column showing closed door to God)

Here the writer Paul refers to living, breathing people as being dead in sin, and gives the reason and circumstance: they were following the ways of Satan. There is another concept also introduced here which we will look into in greater detail when we look at Christian Maturity, and that is that satan is the ruler of the kingdom of this world. This also came to pass, just as the death of man, in that same episode in the Garden.
Man was created by God and given dominion, or rule, over the earth. By submitting to satan Adam placed man under the authority and control of satan, and man's dominion, the earth, became satan's dominion. Also, man's dominion over his mind and body became subject to the new ruler. Adam and Eve sold themselves to the devil: they and theirs, including their children, which are us, belong to satan.
Being born again means that the Spirit of God has breathed life into your dead spirit through accepting Jesus Christ's death as payment to purchase you from the former owner, satan. The purpose of being Born Again of the Spirit of God is to replace the dominion where it belongs, under God with man as the manager in charge. This repositioning of submission and authority allow man to again have a personal relationship with God, as before "the fall." Without it, man cannot have this relationship, cannot "enter the kingdom of God."
This is why Jesus said "You must be born again."
Eph 2:4-5 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved.
Col 2:13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,

(Refer to diagram in right hand column showing open door to God)
This is what Jesus called being "born again." Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."
"You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.'"

I have had seminar participants who were confused about the relationship of the Holy Spirit and being Born Again. In this lesson we are not going to teach about the Holy Spirit, except to point out that one who has been "born again" is also "saved," or has "eternal life," and has the Holy Spirit, according to scripture. Jesus connected the Holy Spirit and eternal life in John 4:13-14: Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

QUESTIONS TO ANSWER, additional study:

John 3:1-8 Jesus told Nicodemus that being born again allows a person to do two things. Without being born again, no person can __________ or ______________ the _____________ ___ _______ .

Sin is like a door that closes and separates us from the ______________ __________ which gives our spirit life.

How does one become born again?

Look at Eph 2:4-10, 2 Cor 5:17, and 1 John 1:8-9, Rom 8:16-17.
What is the difference between one who is born again and one who is not?
If we are born again, and become alive to God through Christ, but then we sin again, is the door closed again and must we be born again each time we sin?

Monday, September 10, 2007


Last week I was reading Psalm 119, which is all about God’s word, and I noticed that in the first nine verses this word is referred to with different words:
Psalm 119:1 Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD.
Psalm 119:2 Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.
Psalm 119:3 They also do no iniquity: they walk in his ways.
Psalm 119:4 Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently.
Psalm 119:5 O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes!
Psalm 119:6 Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy commandments.
Psalm 119:7 I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments.
Psalm 119:8 I will keep thy statutes: O forsake me not utterly.
Psalm 119:9 Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.

In order according to verse: law, testimonies, ways, precepts, statutes, commandments, righteous judgments, statutes, word.

Last night with the youth at my apartment (we had 10 last night) we explored this interesting facet of God’s word. We noticed that all the words refer to the same thing, yet each has a different ‘flavor’ and some have radically different connotations for us. For example, law, or statute, has a rather negative, heavy connotation, while testimony has a positive one.

What we came to realize is that all these words are used to describe how God presents himself to us. He presents his character (testimonies), his likes and dislikes (judgments), and his instructions on how to live the abundant life he created us to have. We also noticed that different versions of the Bible have some different words.
When we wondered why all these different words in the very beginning, we thought that we were being introduced to all the different words which would be used throughout this long psalm. We decided to check this out, choosing verses at random, and even went around the group choosing verses according to birth day or year. All had some reference to the word, and usually a specific application.
All agreed that reading Psalm 119 was tedious and boring, but that with this study it came alive and meaningful. One said that v 71 had ministered to her during a time of trouble. Two favorites, v 11 and 105, are well known and most had memorized them.
This study gave me a new perspective on God’s laws. It reveals who he is. Before, because of the words ‘law’ and ‘commandment’ and such, I had a view of heaviness, of burden, of ‘better do this or else . . .’ Now I see it just reveals his character, the character which he desires me to have as his child. It’s not threatening at all!

Friday, July 27, 2007


One of my favorite topics is Seeing the Unseen, which is being able to ‘see’ the promises of God which we find in the Bible when our experience in this life is that we cannot yet see them in the physical. My favorite illustration is my praying for people for healing for 4 years with no visible results before finally I saw someone healed when I prayed for them. My friends and family thought I was nuts, with many actually telling me so, and telling me that while the Bible says it will happen, it doesn’t actually mean that. But I believed the promise in Mark 16:18 more than my experience: I could see the promise, I could see the unseen, and kept reaching for it until the unseen, the promise, became the reality in my life.

A closely related topic is comparison of Worldly View vs Heavenly View teaching, which has been mentioned nearly every time I talk for the past two years.

I have several modules and they keep growing, and more modules are added as I focus on this topic in sermons and in lectures. The 23rd Psalm is one of my favorite sources of module material for Seeing the Unseen, and Genesis 1:0 is perhaps my favorite module.
Just to summarize:
Psalm 23
v 1 is a statement of fact and then the result of that fact. The fact stated is that the Lord is my shepherd. Comment is that the Lord cares for me not only because he loves me, but it is his job, and there are several requirements inherent in this job, such as feeding me and protecting me, as well as others which we can examine in teaching. The result of this relationship is that I lack nothing. Not now, not ever.
The rest of the psalm gives examples of this provision which causes me to lack nothing: green pastures, still waters, refreshing and restoring, paths of righteousness, no fear, a feast table continually before me, anointing, overrunning cup, and goodness and mercy with me all the days of my life.
Since sometimes in life, these examples are not always seen, we need to learn to see the unseen in order to appropriate them for our lives. For now I will just mention the table which is before me in the presence of my enemies (v 5). This means between me and my enemy. If we can see the table, respond to the invitation of the Lord and enjoy the feast with the King of Kings rather than react to the attack of our enemy, the result of the experience in our life will be radically different. The point is that when we can see and appropriate the promises of God, the result of our experiences will be different than if we do not see the unseen promises which are in the Bible.
We cannot and will not experience the promises of God unless we are aware of them, can see them, and appropriate them. Salvation is one example of this of which I hope we are all aware. Until we knew about it we did not know to ask. Until we asked, we did not receive. When we are aware, and ask (appropriate, not all promises are appropriated in the same way, the Bible tells how to appropriate different ones) we will receive: it’s a promise! That’s why we need to keep informing people about the promise, the opportunity that can be available to them.
Another module which teaches this principle is Genesis 1:0. In this teaching, I ask people to turn to Gen 1:1. In the beginning . . .
Then I ask them to look at Genesis 1:0 and tell me what they see. Nothing. Before the beginning nothing existed. But everything already existed in the mind of God. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that God has put eternity into the hearts of men, but men cannot see or understand from beginning to end. It is only when God reveals it that they can see it.
From this nothing which is everything existing in the mind of God, God spoke the things that exist into existence. Basically, the teaching is that the Word of God (Jesus - John 1) lives in us (Col 1:27) and is still speaking through us, completing his creation in and through us. Eternity which has been put in our hearts is revealed to us as God desires, and we are his instruments to bring it to pass (Ephesians 2:10).
Well, I don’t have space here for all the examples and support scriptures, but this is powerful, and if you can get it, you will understand that the Creator of heaven and earth lives in you and is still creating, often through your words and actions. We become participants not only in his divine nature (2PE 1:4) but in his continuing creating into existing things which cannot be seen (Heb 11:3).
During the week God provided a demonstration of this teaching. See the story in UNEXPECTED TREASURE blog!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Hebrews 6:1-2 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.
This admonition to leave behind the fruitless and divisive discussions on basic doctrines is sound advice, and I hesitate to write this because of it. However, I have noticed a disagreement causing divisions, suspicions, and mutual rejection in the body of Christ because of this topic. This is just a basic presentation of principle without explanation. I don’t pretend that it is a complete argument for the practice, nor is it meant to be. It is merely meant to provide some basic scriptural foundation for acceptance.

Most of the churches I work with and speak or teach in do not agree with infant baptism. I see that there is scriptural foundation for baptism of infants, though the practice is never mentioned in the New Testament. My policy, which I hope you might also adopt, is to allow people their own view and interpretation of the scriptures, and to trust Jesus to correct them if they are wrong. Also I want to share differing views for the purpose of bringing some measure of understanding, thus peace, to the widely varying parts of the body of Christ. So I present here one view of why infant baptism might be accepted according to scriptural principles.

First, we look at baptism itself, and what it means.
Romans 6:3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?
We are, according to this verse, baptized into Jesus Christ, it is by baptism that we are adopted into the family of God, become children of God ‘officially.’ The Old Testament equivalent of this is circumcision which was done when the child was 8 days old. The child had no means of choosing for himself, but was brought into the same family the parents belong to, that is, the familly of God.

If the parents belong to the family of God, then the offspring are born physically into the same family, but for the spiritual adoption to take place, the child must be offered, and the ceremony done. In the Old Testament, this was circumcision, in the New Testament, it is baptism. If in the Old, 8 days was acceptable to God, why not in the New?

If a child is brought up in the knowledge and fear of the Lord, knowing only Jesus, each day confessing and being cleansed of sin along with the parents, then when the ‘age of accountability’ comes, there is no need for ‘repentance to salvation’ for the person is already walking with the Lord in His ways, according to the Christian ways. Will the child repent that he has followed Jesus all his life, and follow a new course? I don’t think so. Therefore, for such a child, repentance is not needed, and if already baptized into the family of God, already a child of God, then baptism into the family is no longer necessary, but he needs to take the vows for himself those vows that were made for him by family and community when he was baptised at infancy.

1 Cor 7:14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.
This verse indicates that the principle we saw above was also accepted by Paul when he wrote (albeit on a different topic altogether) to the Corinthians.
Romans 6:4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
Alive to God in Jesus Christ. Are infants to be excluded?
– HWK –


email I received: Dear Hugh,
Could you please explain again what a peacemaker is? You know my understanding was wrong i.e. a peacemaker is a person who acts as a mediator for two groups who are in conflict.

Yes, the usual idea of a peacemaker is one who makes peace between two parties and brings them together. This is included in but not the only situation and result.
As I examine the realities, two people who have widely varying goals and methods will never be able to work together peaceably. 1Cor 12: 12 and following talks about the body being many different parts, all different. This teaching is set up in v 4-6 in which Paul tells the Corinthians they should expect to be different, and not be surprised nor judgmental when someone is quite different.

The indication is that hands and feet, eyes and ears, etc are never going to be the same, and they each need to do their own job in peace. Hence, a heavenly peacemaker brings the peace that is in Christ that allows us to accept the other person in peace (not needing to correct or change therm) with perfect peace in their heart, not encumbered by the baggage of disapproval or unforgiveness.
We bring the subjects to Christ rather than to each other. We focus on the spiritual problem of separation from Christ (as evidenced by lack of peace - if truly in Christ, then there is peace) rather than the worldly problem manifested in whatever the differences they focused on to lose their peace. It is a part of seeing from heavenly view rather than worldly.

Monday, June 11, 2007


I had church services on Friday evening, Saturday evening, Sunday at 3 different churches, Monday - Friday one a day again. During the eight day outreach the following teachings emerged comparing the worldly view vs a heavenly view. Only a summary of the teachings is provided, each is about an hour long when presented. Pentecostals have long meetings!

The worldly view of ourselves is formed by our past experiences and the words influential people have spoken to us. Often these experiences and words have worked to limit us, to cause us to think we are less than we are. Examples include people who were told early in life that they were ugly, they believed it, and so they work toward ugliness in their lives. Stupid, or incapable are other traits put upon us by experience or words. These debilitating worldly images are in stark contrast with the images painted in the Bible of the Child of God. The Bible says that any person in Christ is a new Creation, created new in Christ Jesus to do good works prepared beforehand by God (2 Cor 5:17, Eph 2:10).

The Bible accurately predicts or promises that in this world we will have problems, but that in Christ we will have peace and are in all these things more than over comers (John 16:33; Rom 8:3-37).

The basic difference between the worldly view and heavenly view is that with the worldly view all our problems seem like giants, and we seem too small to cope, like the 10 spies with the bad report to Moses (Numbers 13). They confessed that they seemed like grasshoppers in the eyes of the giants and in their own eyes. Only two could see with heavenly the miraculous possibilities in the promises of God. With the heavenly view, being defined by the promises in the Bible, our problems diminish and we become more than conquerors, and easily stomp on those pesky ants!

HEAVENLY VIEW OF SELF shows us an image of someone capable of anything (Phil 4:13), unlimited in ability to dream and achieve whatever God might put in our hearts. The Child of God is recreated new every time he or she confesses they have fallen or failed (sin) and starts life anew knowing that God has surely both forgiven them their wrong and cleansed them from all unrighteousness (1 Jn 1:9). The Child of God has a renewed mind, including image of who they are in Christ (Rom 12:2; 1 Cor 2:16; Eph 4:23; Col 1:21; Phil 2:5). The Child of God has surrendered burdens to Christ, who now carries them and is well able and faithful to bring good from them all, so the Child does not worry, but continues in joy and peace doing the work God has prepared for them (and prepared them for).


Ephesians 1:16-19 contains a prayer from Paul for the church in Ephesus, that the eyes of their understanding be opened that they might see the hope of their calling, riches of inheritance, and power of God working for us who believe. Wow! If only we could see these spiritual things that cannot be seen by the physical eye, until they are seen in the spirit, believed, and come to pass because of our faith.

This second aspect of heavenly view is our view of our surroundings and circumstances, for the hope of our calling is in this world, not only in the world beyond, as are also the riches of our inheritance in his glory, and the power of God works for us now, not only later. If we cannot see it and expect it, then we will not be able to experience it.

Hosea 4:6 says that God’s people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge: they do not know God, his promises, or his power standing ready to help us in every aspect of life, and that because they have rejected him, he will reject them. This means when we reject (do not believe) his promises, they most probably won’t come to pass in our lives. Of course God is still able, but there is a big difference in hoping God will decide to do something, and knowing and fulfilling the requirements associated with his promises. This second sets into action certain laws, which when the requirements are met, the thing must come to pass.

Example: John 14:12. In this verse Jesus people who believe will do the same and even greater things as he did. Early in my exploration of the power of God (or lack of, as the case may be) one of my pastors told me the Bible says that but it doesn’t mean it (he doesn’t believe). Another said that those things were for the early church, but not needed today (he doesn’t believe).

As I looked around this wounded and hurting world (including believers) it seemed to me the healing and restoration of Jesus is needed now as much as ever! In short, I saw that they did not believe, so of course those things would not happen for them, because the requirement is for believers. I chose to believe. I went around laying my hands on the sick and praying for them for four years before I saw any result. Now, I see things such as the paralyzed woman get up and walk last week in Temanggung, Central Java. I see people bent over in worry and fear leave meetings with smiles and standing straight, and hear their testimonies the next day, next week, or much later, how the results in their lives changed when they decided to trust and obey.

One such woman was in the same meeting our first Friday evening. I don’t even know what her problems were, I understood something about children, maybe husband who ran off, can’t make ends meet, etc. I only understand a bit of what they say! The next day my interpreter and I were out walking through the street market and there was this woman, selling ‘cookies’ from a small cart (like our hotdog carts?). I didn’t even recognize her, her whole attitude was changed, and she gushed about how things had changed. Business was so much better than ever before. She gave us a sackful of goodies and would not allow us to pay - she was vibrant with joy! A week later when we left, she was still in heaven with her heavenly view which had not only changed her inside, but affected the results of her life in the world around her. She brought two of her children (ages 7 and 9) to church for our final Friday meeting, and they were eager to meet me!

Perhaps my favorite story of how the power of God can changes our environment when we believe and act like we believe comes from the Philippines many years ago. A woman came asking prayer to change her husband, who got drunk several times a week and came home and beat her up, sometimes also beat the kids. She needed a miracle! The miracle she needed was to be able to forgive, and I could physically see when she got the miracle. Her body language and face totally changed. Radiant smile emerged to show a beautiful woman. The woman who had come for prayer was plain if not ugly, but the smile made her stunningly beautiful! She stopped me in the street a couple of weeks later excitedly proclaiming that her husband had changed! He no longer was drinking, had become a good family man.
Operating from a Heavenly View will actually
change the result in our lives!


View number 3 actually continues our view of circumstances, focusing specifically on problems. Many Christians cry and complain when ‘bad’ things happen to them. They pray to find a way out of the problem, ignoring that the Bible says that bad things will certainly happen, but that in Christ we have peace. When we have problems and worry, the worst problem we have is we lost peace, meaning we now are living outside of Jesus, outside of Life (John 15:1-10). No wonder we feel so bad! First priority has to be to get back in Jesus. Heavenly View 5 is how to do that. For now we focus on what we see when we see the circumstances of our life ‘go south.’

James 1:2 contains a seemingly strange and stupid instruction: count it joy when all kinds of trials come your way. But if we continue we see that God allows (maybe even causes?) all kinds of troubles to invoke this process by which we become perfect, lacking nothing.
I have learned when physical pain comes, the Lord is trying to get my attention, and when I remember and immediately come to him, and repent, life is changed. My favorite story of this is when my thumb was caught in an iron door and the nail pulled out of the root. The nail was still on my thumb except it was pulled out of the root, and bleeding profusely. I immediately said in my mind "You have my attention, Lord. What?" Into my mind came the memory of the night before when I was speaking to college students. I had asked some questions, and I knew they were not honest with their answers, and was mentally judging them and condemning them.

The Lord spoke to my heart and told me to never, ever judge his children, no matter right or wrong. I can judge what they do, but I am never to look down on them or consider them less than my equal or superior. I repented, and there was never pain (pulling nails is a very effective torture method because of the pain it causes), but lots of blood! My friend took me to a doctor who cut the nail into four quadrants and proceeded to pull each one off, with no anaesthetic. I was cool and calm, praising the Lord silently while I watched the process. The doctor made the comment to my friend that I was a superman! I can’t remember how long it took for the nail to grow out, and it is a bit deformed to this day, but I assure you I will never forget this lesson!

Unusual view, that we should rejoice at painful experiences, that perhaps God is causing the pain! Jesus promised the disciples that they would have painful experiences but told them to settle it in their hearts before how they would respond, because he would turn it into an opportunity for testimony (Luke 21:12-14). We know that the enemy is overcome by the blood of the lamb and the testimony of the saints, so we should welcome these opportunities for testimony. We should be expecting the Heavenly View to be unusual when we are accustomed to our worldly view!

The heavenly view of problems is to be able to see the testimony or miracle that is on the other side of the problem. We look through the problem to the miracle or testimony which God promises is on the other side. Hebrews 12:2 says we should run the race of life ‘looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.' There was no joy on the cross, only on the other side of the cross, but Jesus endured the cross because he saw the joy (our presence with him) on the other side.
So should we also look with a heavenly view and see the purpose or good that God will cause the problems to become.


Learning to see the unseen. This was the teaching on Sunday evening, fifth meeting of our outreach. The first verse of Psalm 23 was proclaimed in the cut-out letters above the lectern: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. This is both a confession and a promise, if we accept it for ourselves. It was a proclamation of David and it can be our proclamation if we wish. Or, it can just be a nice poem. If we accept it as our confession, our proclamation, and believe it, it will become true in the physical world. The proclamation has two parts, both statement of fact, or statement of faith depending on whether you really believe it or not.

If statement of faith, then we are not sure it’s really true, are hoping it’s true. If we know it to be a fact (know God, as Hosea 4:6 says) then we live, walk, talk as though it really is true. The first thing I notice is that many Christians make this confession, but I also hear from the same mouth "I really need . . ." On the one hand the confession of no need, on the other a confession of great need. Which one is true? This indicates that the ‘believer’ does not really believe. You can believe you have money in the bank, but until you use your ATM it is just as good as not there at all. So it is with the promises of God. We need to access the account and withdraw the money (promise) or it is as good as not there at all.

So how do we do that? It involves first a decision then action (John 15:10; James 1:22; and in this case specifically Phil 2:14 and 4:4-6). First the decision: to act as though we believe even if we have doubt, then the action that carries through on the decision. During the four years I prayed for people not seeing any result did I have doubts? For sure, but I decided to believe God’s Word more than I believe my experience. I believed that nothing is impossible for God, and that what the Word says, the Word means, and that Jesus (the Word - John 1:1-14) is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8- notice this refers to something spoken). I continued to act as though I saw results even though I saw no results. In the end my experience was changed to match God’s Word. So often we change our understanding of God’s word to match our experience, and loose because we do not believe the promises, and not believing, do not receive.

Verse 2 of the Psalm created a big question in my mind when I pondered it. Why does the shepherd have to make me lie down in green pastures? A sheep should willing lie down in green pastures! Several answers crop up immediately: the young sheep is too energetic and active to want to take the needed rest (kindergarten teachers and moms of young kids know this all too well); ‘the grass is greener on the other side of the fence,’ meaning we are too busy idolizing or jealous over what someone else has that we fail to see what we have; and another, more difficult one is that we simply do not know what green grass is when we see it. Well, certainly, ‘green grass’ in the form of worldly ‘blessings’ is usually easily recognized, but we are talking about seeing things that cannot be seen, that is, seeing with spiritual eyes rather than physical.

In Luke 4:1 the Spirit of God leads Jesus into the wilderness where after 40 days with no food he is tempted by the devil. Common sense, doctors, and experience tell us that forty days without food leaves us hungry and weak. The Bible concurs that it left Jesus hungry: that is why the temptation to turn stones into bread was a real temptation. But in verse 14 it says that Jesus returned from the desert in the power of the Holy Spirit and his fame spread throughout the region. He never did miracles, was not famous before this. This means he returned from the desert experience stronger than when he entered. Evidently there was ‘green grass’ which strengthened this Lamb of God in the desert which we cannot see except with spiritual eyes.

We begin to get some insight into this from John 2:34 where Jesus says his food is to do the will of his Father in heaven. The first 40 day fast I did - total abstention from solid food day and night - I was still working. During the third week of the fast I had a sea trial (several days at sea testing the equipment and systems on the ship), and came back and went straight to the tennis courts from the ship to participate in a Shipyard tennis tournament.. I played 3 sets and was as strong as I ever was on the tennis court (I don’t even remember if I won any of the sets, and for sure I didn’t win the tournament, but not because I was weak)! It really is true, that if we do the will of our Father, there is sustenance which becomes manifest in the world, that is in our physical bodies. If we believe, trust and obey, the promises of the Bible become physical reality in our lives.

I had an experience once in which I learned the lesson "If you were doing the things you should be doing, you would not be feeling down right now" when I complained to God about something I thought I was lacking. Years later, on a bus from Macassar to Toraja (8 hours - island of Sulawesi, Indonesia) the air conditioning on the bus did not work, no windows could be opened, and it was a hot equatorial desert day. The bus was like an oven, and the stench of body odor (most Indonesians haven’t discovered deodorant, eat lots of garlic and other aromatic foods) and vomit (it was that hot, some were quite ill). I remembered the lesson as I neared meltdown in the heat. I began to really see the other passengers, their discomfort, fear, and hopelessness. I began to pray for each one, my heart going out to them. It was painful in a different way. After awhile I noticed that I no longer felt the heat, but was physically quite comfortable. Seeing the spiritual situation and obeying God’s voice changes our experience in the world. I also believe that the prayers also comforted and changed the experience of the other passengers, totally changing the results of the physical situation we shared.

Point being: if we believe Psalm 23:2a is real for our lives, and it is 100% of the time, not just sometimes, then wherever we are, we are in green grass. If we don’t see it, it’s only because we are not recognizing it for what it is.

For time’s sake we jump to verse 5:a about the Lord preparing a table before me in the presence of my enemies. It was communion Sunday and talk about the Lord’s table seemed most appropriate. Frst, notice the location of the table. If we allow a picture to be formed in our minds, we see our enemies coming for us. Of course they are giants: more, bigger, and stronger than we. Then the King (we might more likely imagine the President) comes rolling up, unloads a huge feast and prepares it before us in the presence of those enemies coming to attack. The King sits and invites to come sit with him and enjoy the feast. Can you picture it? The table is between my enemies and me!

Now, the President (and the King) never travel alone, but with a large retinue, including bodyguards. We have two choices for our attention: the enemy who would love to continue the attack, or the King, who would love us to leave our fear and sit and enjoy his feast.

If we choose to lose focus on the King, but focus on the enemy, fear will continue to grip us, and we will respond in fear. It doesn’t take a psychologist or theologian to tell us that wild animals and enemies can smell fear, and they attack with renewed vigor! Not a good result, I am afraid.

If we choose to sit and dine with the King, we enjoy the protection of his bodyguards and his power, and our enemies have two choices: slink away in fear and silence, or join us at the Table. Of course the King would prefer that they join us at the table! Don’t lose sight of this, it will help with another part of this heavenly view, and that is embracing enemies as friends, but don’t let’s jump to that, it might be too big a step right now!

So, can you see the table? I guarantee it is really there, just as David spoke or wrote what he saw in the spirit. Having the communion table before them helped this congregation start to be able to see the spiritual table. They began to say what things are on that table. First, they recognized the bread and wine, that is body an blood of Jesus. Some realized that there is more that one kind of wine (Eph 5:18), some saw the milk and honey. Some see the meat Jesus mentioned in John 4:34. Some see candles (light, romance - of course there is romance- Jesus is the groom, I am the bride!), and on and on. This is how we begin to see the things that cannot be seen. If we can see them, we can have them. If we won’t see them, we won’t have them.

I guarantee that this is not just a psychological exercise, but the Table of the Lord, before me in the presence of my enemies, is very real. I have more than once needed its sustenance in times of trial, and I have never been disappointed!


Re-entry into Jesus, or, Regaining our Peace

This is a guaranteed process (if we will hear and obey) for rising out of depression, fear, worry, doubt which are those indicators that we have begun living outside of Jesus, in whom is our life. It is extremely practical, extremely easy, and extremely effective. It’s all in a few verses of Philippians.

Philippians 2:14:Do everything without complaining or arguing, (NIV) Our mouth reveals what we’re made of, what’s inside. We are to guard our mouth because life and death are in the tongue Prov 18:21), and the tongue is like the rudder of a big ship (James 3:4-5), controlling where we go. Complaining, arguing creates an environment of things to complain and argue about, and indicates that worst of all problems: outside of Christ. Therefore we need to constantly monitor our tongue and control it to steer us to the godliness which is our desire in life.

So first we keep the tongue from wrong confession or proclamation. Next we must replace the bad habit of wrong talk with the good habit of right talk. Phil 4:4: Rejoice in the Lord Always (repeat). This is easy to do. If you aren’t sure what you need to do, watch a football (either American or European or other) or basketball game and watch what the spectators do when the game is close and their team scored a winning point. That’s rejoicing! It involves not only the mouth, but body language, and also the great desire to share the moment with someone else. It involves smiles and not frowns, shouts of joy and not groans of sorrow. It does not depend on emotions, but on decision and self control.

The enemy may whisper (or shout) in your ear that rejoicing right now is a lie, a mask to hide your real feelings. Well, it should hide those feelings, because those feelings are not from God, they do not glorify God in any way. They are not the real you, they are the former you, which according the heavenly view (the Bible) have passed away when you became a new creation (2Cor 5:17). The emotions are the lie, the rejoicing is the real things. Lots on this, but too much for here and now. Psalm 42:5, 11 shows David realizing this, and speaking to himself to straighten up and fly right! The Bible says a Child of God is full of joy (John 15:11; Phil 1:26; 1 Thes 1:6 and more). When a container is full and is squeezed, what comes out is what it is full of. When problems and people squeeze you, what comes out of your mouth? Should be REJOICING if you are a child of God.

Therefore the lie is your emotions, not the rejoicing which you decide to do in obedience (trust and obey) to the Word of God even when you don’t feel like it. Remember that faith without works is dead. Thinking about rejoicing is not the same as forcing your body and mouth to actually go through the motions of rejoicing!

Quickly, Phil 4:5 says people should be able to see a Child of God in how we behave in times of crisis. Verse 6 is worth a bit more exploration. It says don’t worry about anything, but in all things let your requests be know to God with thanksgiving. Worry might be the greatest sin because it means we totally don’t know or trust Jesus. If we knew the Shepherd, we would know he can and will take care of us and ours. We would know that it is is job not just his delight, and he is faithful to do all that his Father in heaven commands him to do, which includes take care of me!

Worry is not the same as concern. In fact this verse says we should be concerned, and let our requests be known to God with thanksgiving (attitude free from worry and doubt, thanking for what you know will be a great end result, because you know him and his word (view Romans 8:28 if you aren’t sure about this).

Phil 4:7 has the result if you do this. Remember our purpose? To get back in Christ, regain the peace in Christ that is promised. The peace of God which is beyond understanding (how true! The world is still falling apart around me!) will guard my heart and my mind (the two places which have lost the peace, in which worry, fear, anger dwell). So, here we are, back in Peace, on Purpose in Christ. The result in the circumstances of our world will be awesome!


As we worshiped in the second church of our Sunday tour, I was given the scripture to preach on (Psalm 1), and when I asked what was the message, it continued the theme of Heavenly View vs Worldly view, it was about our view of others. Actually, we can also get this message from the world, because this particular principle is acknowledged by most worldly value system. From verse 1, it admonishes us about our choice of friends and associations. While the sermon had very specific comments and comparisons aimed specifically at the congregation, and included references to the difference between the righteous and worldly man as described in the Psalm. The Lord also brought to mind Jeremiah 17, and when I looked, it expounded on the same theme of the tree planted by water.

Verse 9 in Jeremiah 17 also reveals that the human heart is deceitful beyond imagination. One English version says it is beyond healing. This is why the heart needs to be replaced! When we compare with Proverbs 16:2 or 21:2 we see that we humans always think our own ways are right, but the Lord looks at the heart, and what he finds is deceit. This deceit is for others, but also for ourselves. We deceive ourselves about what is wise, especially when it comes to relationships. We ignore warning signs because we are comfortable, because we feel committed, for so many reasons we choose to continue in relationships whether business or personal, when it is unwise to do so.

So the message was essentially to look at and choose our relationships with others with the eyes of a righteous person, or with a heavenly view rather than a worldly one.


This goes back to the same theme of Lesson 1 about our view of ourselves but with a different focus. Day 1 was about self-image, what we look like, who we are, how our attitude is, and was about freedom from bondage to fear and to the images of self that words of others and our past experiences have created. This one looks forward from that position of freedom.

As our car pulled up in front of the church, the Lord gave me the scripture I must preach: Matthew 5:13-16, but generally including chapters 5-7. but the message would not come. This was a test! I could play safe and preach the message I had prepared, or I could step out in faith and possibly be a fool and have nothing to say once I started. Right now I am listening to a sermon about Abraham being called to a place he didn’t know, and he just went. I guess I felt like that. As I thought about the general message in those chapters, it is a rather harsh message! I prepared my heart for a harsh message, but it turned out that this message was still about self image as one called according to God’s purpose. The general message was that God calls his people to a higher standard than other people, and equips us to meet that standard.

"You have heard it said . . ., but I say to you . . ." is repeated over and over for various laws in Chapter 5. God calls his people to a higher standard. At the end he compares the one who does what he says to the wise man, the one who does not do his words to the foolish man in the story of the house on the rock or the house on the sand. What seems foolish to the world turns out to be wise in the end. If you would walk two miles when you are required to walk only one; if you really are truthful regardless of the consequences; if you don’t cheat on taxes, or at least seek and use all available loopholes, but pay all happily and willingly; if you refuse to join in gossip; if you let homeless people into your home, bring street people in to feed them; if you pay your employees the highest wage possible, pay your suppliers the highest reasonable price, and charge the lowest possible cost for your product, with the purpose of blessing people; if you do these things you will be considered unwise in the eyes of the world. But God calls his people to a different, a higher standard. This requires a different view, a heavenly view rather than a worldly view.

When I was preaching, it came to my mind that there is an apparent discrepancy between 5:14-16 and beginning of chapter 6. The one says you should let your light shine before men so they can see your good works, Chapter 6 begins by saying don’t let anyone see your charitable acts. What is the difference? I heard myself saying. I had no idea what the answer was, but as I continued speaking, the answer came from my mouth! We know it cannot be a contradiction, and we also know it means what it says. So what is the difference? One says let people see, the other says don’t let people see.
Obviously the works must be different works. What is the difference between the good works of chapter 5 and the charitable works of chapter 6 that must not be seen or rewarded by others?

Another clue is in the word reward. The good work is a work that the world will not admire nor reward. It will not be considered wise or prudent by the world. We are called to a different, a higher standard than the world. We are talking generally about Heavenly View vs Worldly view. Good works will be regarded as good by the heavenly view, but not by the worldly view. Many of the ‘charitable acts we do are mostly so we can feel good or others will admire us for our generosity, etc. These are the works of chapter 6. We should still do them, but in secret so there is no acknowledgment by the world.

How about the other work? The night before, I had a baffling dream in which there was a man in a group who was generally rejected by the group. He was berated, demeaned, ridiculed and generally made sport of. In the dream I came and stood beside the man, becoming a friend and supporter for a time, speaking for him. I became rejected and ridiculed by the group for this, but it changed the man and his ability to function in the world. I could not figure the meaning of the dream, nor was it revealed by God when I asked. During the past few days as we visited businessmen and pastors, we heard story after story of people who were ridiculed for obeying what they felt God was telling them. They were called fools, stupid, unwise and other worse things. They lost friends and supporters.

I experienced the same thing the first time I quit work. With the exception of only two or three friends who were a bit more crazy than I, every one of my friends told me I was making a big mistake. When we really surrender to God’s standards, we will be so treated by the world, but the fruit will be revealed and the world will see this ‘crazy’ or ‘stupid’ work and marvel that God would lead a person in such a detailed, specific way in life. God calls us to a higher standard, a standard of listening, hearing, and obeying the voice of God as he leads us in life.

The second time I quit work, those that were aware of it didn’t say anything. I suppose it’s because they already know I am totally crazy and expect craziness rather than wisdom in my choice of actions! But I know if I had not been obedient to the ‘voice’ inside of me, I would never have experienced the miracled I have experienced, such as the paralyzed lady standing up and walking on that first Friday night. I don’t need to speak only about miracles I saw last year, or years ago, I have fresh testimonies coming all the time. But only if I obey!

My favorite story about this is the time I was in Hawaii and a friend asked me to pray for his knee. To make a long story short, I felt I should hit the knee, and eventually I choose to obey this stupid move, and wound up and hit him hard. He jumped back, angry, and when he paused for breath, I asked how his knee was. It was healed! If I prayed for that knee three days straight, fasting and praying continuously, I would not have experience the miracle that happened in seconds when I choose to obey.

The good work we are to let shine and be seen is the work that seems strange and crazy and brings criticism, but is in fact led by the Holy Spirit. As Jesus says in chapter 7 the fruit will reveal if it is good or not, from God or not. Sometimes fruit is long in coming, long in becoming ripe, but it will be seen eventually. We must dare to step out and swim against the flow of popular opinion and worldly wisdom.

There you have it - 7 days of looking at HEAVENLY VIEW, some of it old teachings repackaged with a new focus, some of it entirely new for me, known only as I heard myself speak it to the congregations!

Saturday, March 24, 2007


I thought it good since I am writing of experiences of spiritual warfare to present some Biblical basis and teaching. The Bible has too much information about this topic to present a complete teaching, but I will present some basics here.

In the Old Testament there are some different lists of things to not do. One of my favorites and most complete is in Deuteronomy 18:9-12. In these verses is a list of abominations to the Lord: who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD

In my stories I mention that even such a simple thing as reading horoscopes can invite demonic activity. While horoscopes are not mentioned specifically by that name in the Bible, horoscopes are attached to astrology, and in Daniel 4 and 5 astrologers are grouped together with magicians and sorcerers, which are on the forbidden list. Why are these things forbidden? I believe it is because they all seek supernatural information or power from a source other than God, that is, the demonic realms.

When we seek power or information from these sources, we are inviting partnership with the demons behind it, thus they are given access to our lives.
In the gospels, there are many stories of when Jesus cast out demons and healed the sick. Nearly always, the two are linked together. I think this is not coincidence, that there is a common connection between evil spirits (demons) and sickness, though not always.

Perhaps the most famous story is the one in Luke 8:27-35 When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs. When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at his feet, shouting at the top of his voice, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don't torture me!" For Jesus had commanded the evil spirit to come out of the man. Many times it had seized him, and though he was chained hand and foot and kept under guard, he had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary places. Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" "Legion," he replied, because many demons had gone into him. And they begged him repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss. A large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into them, and he gave them permission. When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. When those tending the pigs saw what had happened, they ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus' feet, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid.

In this story, it is apparent that demons are not just thoughts or ideas. They are actual beings that negotiated with Jesus, and affected a herd of pigs in such a way that destroyed the pigs.

It is also interesting to note that people were afraid, not happy, with this event. I think many today reject the idea of demons because it would change their world, and they are afraid. Others may be afraid because it would make them ‘wrong’ and they are afraid of that!

In the gospels, Jesus calls his disciples to himself and gives them power over demons.

Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

Luke 9:1-2 When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.

He also gave the same power and instructions to sewventy followers in Luke 10.
This is to me quite amazing, because it was before Jesus was crucified and rose again, before he had earned salvation for the world! It was also before Jesus was raised into heaven and sent the Holy Spirit which he promised. Yet, these disciples did receive the power he gave them, and followed his instructions, and to their amazement, it all worked! Luke 10:17 The seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name."

After Jesus rose into heaven, he sent the promise of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Believers who received this received power. One of my favorite stories is in Acts 16:16-19 Once when we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit by which she predicted the future. She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling. This girl followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, "These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved." She kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so troubled that he turned around and said to the spirit, "In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!" At that moment the spirit left her. When the owners of the slave girl realized that their hope of making money was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to face the authorities.

Another amazing New Testament story is in Acts 19:13-16 Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. They would say, "In the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out." Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. One day the evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?" Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding.

If unbelievers could invoke the name of Jesus, how much more we believers should have power over demons in the name of our Lord. These men were seeking the power and glory attached to the name, but did not understand what the name really stands for.

As Christians we need to be aware of who Jesus is, what the name stands for! James 2:19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder. This passage not only talks about the reality of demons, but the importance of know what we believe, and knowing in whom we believe!

These are only a few of the many scriptures, and we have not really explored the meaning and implications contained therein, nor have we explored the many possible ramifications. This is not a complete teaching, but merely to indicate the Biblical basis for my belief that demons are real entities, perhaps to whet your appetite for more knowledge of this topic. Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

There are those who argue that power over demons was for a short season only, and is no longer needed by the church. Our experience tells this is not so, but more importantly, so do scriptures. If there is someone who has a question about this, I will answer in a future teaching.

— GBU - HWK ---

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


In preparing for my talk with PD RUTH (see Walking with Jesus blog), I noticed some thing I had never noticed before. I have read the Bible through every year, usually different versions, for more than 25 years, and I am continually amazed at what haven't seen or noticed before!

This new thing has nothing to do with the teaching I brought, but is interesting enough to me I will share it. It concerns culture. In Chapter 2, Ruth offers to Naomi, her mother-in-law, to go into the fields, which she then does.
I find the interesting thing in verse 8 and 9. It appears that the reapers are women, for Boaz cautions Ruth to stay close to his maidens, in the field they do reap. Then in verse 9 he tells her to drink from the water which his men have drawn.
Remember in John chapter 4, the woman at the well. It seems in Jesus' day, it was the work of women to draw water, not the men. And when Jesus talks about reaping, he talks to men, as though reaping is a man's job.
Well, I think it's interesting!

Thursday, February 22, 2007


One of my joys is answering questions. It is now 5 AM and I have just had this text message exchange. This is real.

Q: "Mr Hugh, why am I scared of uncertainty?"
Reply: "Because you are acting like a human. Humans are scared of ncertainty.
A bit later:
Q: "Am I not human?"
R: I hope more than human. 2 Cor 5:17; Rom 8:37; 2 Peter 1:3 for starters. 2 Tim 1:8 for salad. Main course to follow."

My second reply regarding main course because I already have in mind to write this blog teaching. This is the main course, including starters and salad, for your edification. :-)
All scripture is NIV unless otherwise noted.

(Actually, I missed two. 2 Pe 1 should be verse 4 and 2 Tim 1 should be verse 7)

Humans are afraid of uncertainty, unknown. This fear is irrational, and most humans, like my early riser friend, have an inner sense that this is not how things should be, if they become aware of it. Many humans live uncertain lives, doing dangerous things in order to overcome what they know inside is not right.

In fact, since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, things are not as they should be. This awareness is written about in the Bible in Eccl 3:11. The first part of this verse is known by many, but most are unaware of contents or meaning of the second parts.
Eccl 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
He has set eternity in the hears of men (though they can’t fathom it all). What this means is there is a God-shaped hole in people that only God can fill. But this is topic for another teaching; I digress.
Here are the verses:
2 Cor 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
2 Peter 1:3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
(Actually, I selected the wrong verse in my answer. The verse should be 2 Peter 1:4)
2 Peter 1:4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
2 Tim 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

The point is that a Born Again Christian (John 3:5,6) is a new creation, no longer human, but now participates in the divine nature, has escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil (the effect of sin). (Somewhere in my blogs, before I created this blog specially for teaching, there is a teaching about Born Again).

We are more than human, we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ who loved us enough to come down from heaven (see about JESUS THE WORD in this blog) and live as a human, with all human frailties, and die with all human pain (including rejection) on the cross. [I sense that the addition of including rejection is specially needed by someone suffering rejection right now. ]
Romans 3:25 God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished--
1 John 2:2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.
1 John 4:10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

According to my Webster’s Distionary:
a[tone a[toned, a[ton4ing ME at-one, become reconciled < at one, in accord: see AT & ONE

Sin separates us from God, and allows corruption, or decay, instead of life, to become our nature. It is like dirt that disqualifies us from entering the purity of the throne room of God. We must have this dirt washed off before we can enter the throne room, that is to come into the presence of the Creator. Jesus’ death on the cross is the one thing that can atone for our sin, that is, bring us into life, into being ‘at one’ with God our Creator.

When we accept Christ, according to the Bible, we are no longer captives of the sin nature of human beings, but we share the divine nature of our Creator, and escape the corruption (or decay) caused by our separation from the source of Life, Jesus Christ.

The lie of the devil that keeps so many children of God powerless in this world is that we are only human. While it is true that the old human traits are not thrown off easily, it is also true that we are new creations, and that God has provided an escape from servitude to sin.

1 John 1:8-9 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

It is true that all are attacked by the sin associated with human-ness (such as fear of uncertainty). But Christians have an escape. If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to do two things. First, forgive us, and second, to purify us, or wash us clean. When we wash a garment, we can wear it again with confidence that the dirt has gone with the wash water. Sometimes we need a specially strong stain remover when we wash clothes. The blood of Jesus is the strongest, most effective stain remover available, can cleanse the worst stains imaginable, also those unimaginable!!

Fear is a sin, as is worry, since these reflect lack of faith that Jesus is in control and able and willing to make things turn out right. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

So rejoice! While our human nature wants to be afraid of uncertainty, God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Fear is a weapon of the enemy to keep us from the power, the love, and the sound mind (remember, fear of unknown is illogical). The blood of Jesus is able to lift us above the fear into those heavenly realms.

So, now you know why you experience fear of uncertainty. You conquer it by knowing who you are in Jesus, in knowing and trusting that he has a plan for your life, and he is able and faithful to bring that purpose to pass. Another teaching for another time.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Well, I opened this blog specifically to share teachings with you, and haven't posted any yet! Time to do so!

One of the teachings today included John 1:1-14. In these scriptures it is made more than perfectly clear who Jesus is. It opens with the same words as Genesis opens: In the beginning. Jesus existed before the beginning, in fact Jesus is the beginning.
In the first four verses it talks about the Word. The text uses a personal pronoun in describing this Word: He was this, He did that. It says the Word was with God, and further declares that the Word was God. It then explains that this Word created all things that exist, and duplicates the point by stating that nothing was created without Him.

Later in v 14 it explains that the Word became flesh and dwelt among men, specifically among John and contemporaries. Jesus is this Word, God that became flesh.

Many Christians today have lost sight of who Jesus really is. Popular religion and uninformed teaching reduces Christ from his position of Creator of All Things. Along with this, scriptures such as Phil 4:13 (I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me) and Romans 8:28 (All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose) and v 37 (In all these things (trials, tribulations, problems, etc) we are more than conquerors) have been lost as powerful tools in helping Christians really overcome circumstances.

I hope this small sample of scripture examination will bless you richly.

Friday, February 9, 2007


I have added this blog for my teachings and meditations, since they don't really fit in the others. Here you will find Bible studies, scripture illustrations and application ideas. Enjoy