Could you please explain again what a peacemaker is? You know my understanding was wrong i.e. a peacemaker is a person who acts as a mediator for two groups who are in conflict.
Yes, the usual idea of a peacemaker is one who makes peace between two parties and brings them together. This is included in but not the only situation and result.
As I examine the realities, two people who have widely varying goals and methods will never be able to work together peaceably. 1Cor 12: 12 and following talks about the body being many different parts, all different. This teaching is set up in v 4-6 in which Paul tells the Corinthians they should expect to be different, and not be surprised nor judgmental when someone is quite different.
The indication is that hands and feet, eyes and ears, etc are never going to be the same, and they each need to do their own job in peace. Hence, a heavenly peacemaker brings the peace that is in Christ that allows us to accept the other person in peace (not needing to correct or change therm) with perfect peace in their heart, not encumbered by the baggage of disapproval or unforgiveness.
The indication is that hands and feet, eyes and ears, etc are never going to be the same, and they each need to do their own job in peace. Hence, a heavenly peacemaker brings the peace that is in Christ that allows us to accept the other person in peace (not needing to correct or change therm) with perfect peace in their heart, not encumbered by the baggage of disapproval or unforgiveness.
We bring the subjects to Christ rather than to each other. We focus on the spiritual problem of separation from Christ (as evidenced by lack of peace - if truly in Christ, then there is peace) rather than the worldly problem manifested in whatever the differences they focused on to lose their peace. It is a part of seeing from heavenly view rather than worldly.
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