‘Where is Jesus now, physically,
and what is the significance of this to us today?’
and what is the significance of this to us today?’
Answer to question:
Physically in heaven (many verses, Acts 1:9 being one)
Spiritually in Christians on earth (Col 1:27, for one)
Jesus is physically in Heaven, but spiritually lives on earth in us by his Holy Spirit.
(John 16:7 among others)
He sends the Holy Spirit from heaven. John 14-16 contain much information about the what this Holy Spirit will do. Also Acts 1:8 and others. Jesus said it was expedient that he must go, so he could send the Holy Spirit. He told his disciples to go into the world and make disciples, but to wait in Jerusalem until they received power from on high, the promise of the father, the Holy Spirit.
Point 1:
Jesus from his place in heaven sends the Holy Spirit to guide us and give us power to live holy lives and to be a witness to Jesus.
Point Two:
It means that we physically live on earth, but spiritually live in Him in heaven (Eph 2:6).
This means we are not bound by earthly viewpoints and understanding, but have a view from heaven through Jesus eyes and heart, if we will learn to see, hear, and understand not with our physical senses but through the spirit.
This is why we walk by faith, not by sight. Our faith is not blind faith, but faith in what we see from this heavenly perspective, in the spirit. We can see the promises of the Bible, and it is faith in this spiritual vision that we live by.